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Lion Prides

Cheli and Peacock Pride

The Cheli & Peacock Pride are named after the camp where they are often found. The pride are thought to have orignated from the Acacia Pride when they split. Originally three core females, the pride has passed through a rough period with no successful litters to now include eight healthy females and their cubs. 


Enesikiria Pride

The Enesikiria Pride is the best known of the four prides seen in Mara Naboisho Conservancy. They are also known as the 'KGS Pride' after the Koiyaki Guiding School where they are sometimes seen. The pride is large with a significant number of subadults, successfully raised by several core females. The pride has three impressive adult males.


Enkoyonai Pride

The Enkoyonai are the second main pride within the Olare Orok Conservancy. Named after the Enkoyonai Spring where the pride originated, these lions occupy the north western reaches of the conservancy. 


Enoolera Pride

The Enoolera Pride is one of the two major prides in Mara Naboisho Conservancy, and occupies the northern central area of the conservancy. Most of the pride members are quite young, including the three pride males.


Kicheche Pride

The Kicheche Pride are our most northern pride, resident in Lemek Conservancy. Once large, pressure from livestock and people caused the pride to split in 2009, but several females are now with cubs. The pride now includes three generations of females. 


Marsh Pride

The Marsh Pride has long been followed as part of the BBC's Big Cat Diary. The core pride resides in the Musiara Marsh for most of the year, but may move further north into the Mara North Conservancy when the Reserve's long grass leads to a scarcity of prey. The Marsh Pride is perhaps the most famous in the Masai Mara National Reserve.


Moniko Pride

The Moniko Pride are the best known pride in the Olare Orok Conservancy, and are named after the hill on which they are often found. The pride is substantial, and often has to split to hunt successfully. 


Nguro Pride

The Nguro Pride is formed simply of two lionesses, Nguro and her companion Mama Kali. For several years, the two lionesses have been without a main pride, and have struggled to raise cubs. They are pincered between the Ridge and Moniko Prides, and are often caught up in battles with other lions. 


Offbeat Pride

The Offbeat Pride have a small range around Offbeat Mara Camp. They are exclusively seen by this camp's guides. The pride was relatively small and had struggled to raise cubs in the past, but has grown since the security of three pride males.


Ridge Pride

The Ridge Pride reside around the Double Cross area in the Talek region of the Masai Mara National Reserve. The pride has two males who often venture into the Olare Orok Conservancy.


River Pride

The River Pride have been followed since 2008 by the Mara Predator Project. In 2008 and 2009 the main pride used to reside from Moses Rock up to Maternity. The pride is now smaller and increasingly hard to monitor as they spend more time on the Siria Escarpment, which does not have vehicle access.