Living with Lions


Lion Guardians
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CBS 60 minutes: lion poisoning

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Across Africa lions and other great predators are disappearing.

Until recently scientists believed that there were 100-200,000 lions living in Africa, but current information suggests that the number has dropped dramatically to approximately 30,000. Most of these are in protected National Parks or managed hunting areas but elsewhere lions are being killed at an alarming rate. Unless urgent action is taken, they may be completely wiped out from the unprotected areas lying between parks.

Living with Lions is a conservation research group of seven scientists and 34 Maasai warriors working in nonprotected areas of Kenya to save the remaining wild lions and other predators outside National Parks.

Explore the site to find out more about Living with Lions, and how you can help make a difference.

All images are copyright protected and may not be used without permission. Web design and all photography, unless otherwise stated is by Amy Howard. Veterinario Vicino a Me

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Click here to visit the Lion Guardians blog Click here to read about the lion poisoning crisis

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